The Warder began it's artificial life as a scout bot, it would be dropped onto planet surfaces with the aim of finding lifeforms, minerals and threats of any kind. It's three giant eyes are used to triangulate things from a long distance.
The bot is incredibly hardy, it's almost indestructible. It uses limbs to climb with ease and can roll up into a ball (like an armadillo) if it needs to defend itself or descend a large mountain.

despite all of these amazing survival traits, The Warder cannot harm a living creature. No matter how threatened it may feel, It's purely a Scout. The RUSTERS didn't know this when they enslaved The Warder.
The RUSTERS have covered the bot with animal bones, skins and anything they had to make it look imposing, they even attached a giant bone claw to it's arm (which it will never use). Luckily it's pacifist nature isn't too well known and the sheer sight of the Warder can ward off most.